Tuesday, August 7, 2012

The Story by Mat Steinwede

The Life you live is a reflection of the story You have going on in your mind.

We have a story of all the different subjects we experience in our life, our marriage, our homes, our career, our kids, our finances, our health etc etc.

Have you ever stopped for a minute and thought about what your story is?

Sometimes you may have a story going on in your mind that is really not serving you, because someone has hurt you or something has happened to you and you keep telling the same story to yourself over and over again and keep re-creating the same events in your life over and over again on that particular subject.

Or on the other hand you might have an awesome story going on in another area of your life and you keep re-creating results that are outstanding.

Many people don’t realise that your story is the single most powerful thing that will help you create a life of excellence and abundance.

Your story creates emotions and emotions attract circumstances and events into your life to match that story.

The beauty of this is, if you don’t like what you are living you can change it in an instant by telling yourself a different story.

Start creating a new story today and then watch your world follow.

Don’t be in a rush for your world to change just focus on getting good at telling yourself a different story and over time you will start to notice things are changing.

Life is just a reflection of your most dominant thoughts (your story) and this story is 100% created by you.

If you are living a life of excellence and abundance you would already have a great story going on, a story of success and joy.

Keep going with that.

Remember every subject in your life has a story and whatever outcome you are looking for all starts with the story in your mind.

Isn’t that an amazing thought in itself.

Your life’s results are completely in your hands.

If you want a different result start telling yourself a different story and then your world must follow.

It is Law!

What’s your story?

Friday, August 3, 2012


In 1960, at age 14, I met a college basketball coach on the court and asked him for his best, niftiest pointer.  He took the ball, walked under the basket, and shot an easy layup.

"See that shot?" he said gruffly.  "Ninety-nine percent of all basketball games are won with that shot.  Don't miss it."  And he walked away.  I felt cheated that day, but 20 years later, I realised it was the best business lesson I ever got.

Concentrate on the 
fundamentals.  Ninety-nine 
percent of all success is 
achieved that way.

The science of serving and selling in business has nothing to do with nuclear physics or brain surgery.
It's about asking questions, helping others, and believing in yourself, your product, and your company.  It's about establishing long-term relationships and having fun.  It's all fundamentals.

You don't need to be a professional ballplayer.  You just need to know how to shoot layups and not miss them.
  •  How many games (service and sales opportunities) are you losing because you have the attitude of a loser?
  • How are you serving others in a friendly, positive way to create a winning atmosphere for your company, your customers, and especially YOU?
  • How many two footers are you missing because you're not concentrating on the fundamentals of the game?
 There is less than two feet between yes and no.  Close the gap.

 Excerpt taken from Little Gold Book of YES! Attitude by Jeffrey Gitomer